About Me

I'm Sohal, an undergrad Cyber Security Engineering student and technology enthusiast who's passionate about open source software, Unix-like operating systems, technology's role in education, technology repair and sustainability, and odd hardware from the early 2010s.

I grew up in the hotbed of innovation that is Northern Virginia, and after spending an amazing year in Gainesville, FL at the University of Florida, I'm back in NoVA studying Cyber Security Engineering at George Mason University.

I'm an innately curious person, and often find myself doing deep dives into the oddest of topics, from high-end mechanical pencils to pubnixes. While I may not become a hardcore enthusiast in any of these interests, they leave a small mark on my life and give me a greater appreciation for the world around me.

I hope you have fun reading my ramblings, and maybe even come away with some useful information or inspiration to do something new!

Where to find me (besides this site):